Majora's Mask Ep. 6: Welcome to Ze Swamp
We dive into the swamp, run from werewolves, save a witch, and take boat tours in Chris's guide to Majora's Mask. ❗First Encounter contains adult themes such as violence, sexual content, and adult language. Listener discretion is advised. If you...
Majora's Mask Ep. 5: Escaping Clock Town
We get the fanciest new mask before breaking out of Clock Town and exploring the very dangerous fields of Termina. ❗First Encounter contains adult themes such as violence, sexual content, and adult language. Listener discretion is advised. If you...
Spooky Special and Extra Life Stream
We're excited to share our spooky Halloween video special on 10/31 on our Youtube channel! Watch Haney get dangerously close to pooping himself in fear as he plays the indie horror game Visage. On 11/6 at 11am EST, tune in to our Extra Life live...
Majora's Mask Ep. 4: Hylian Vibin’
We explore Clock Town as a human child today and begin meeting the inhabitants proper. Some make Chris uncomfortable. If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SPONSOR: uncommonvt.com SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter WEBSITE:...
Majora's Mask Ep. 3: The Sky is Falling
We pop some balloons, meet a scarecrow, and grab a moon tear. Oh yeah, I also meet up with Skull Kid. It's all good. If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SPONSOR: uncommonvt.com SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter WEBSITE:...
Majora's Mask Ep. 2: This is Clock Town
We lose a friend, get cursed, meet a couple new friends, and enter Clock Town. If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SPONSOR: uncommonvt.com SHIRT ARTIST: instagram.com/hagushka SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter ...
Majora's Mask Ep. 1: A Terrible Fate
We discuss The Legend of Zelda series, how this season might be different, and what Chris knows about Majora's Mask. If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SPONSOR: uncommonvt.com | SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Patreon Bonus|Crisis Core Ep. 1: Welcome to Shinra

In our first Patreon bonus series, Zack takes center stage as we return to Midgar and embark on his SOLDIER adventure. Thanks for listening! To continue, support us at <3 Also, visit the following: WEBSITE: firstencounterpodcast.com | TWITTER:...
Skeleton House presents Super Mario RPG Ep. 1: The Genesis of nArF

Today's bonus episode is brought to you by Skeleton House, an audio only let's play podcast in which Jess and Steve in the past and Brett in the future play through different video games. When you finish listening here, continue their journey through...
Hyrule Podcasters presents A Link to the Podcast Ep. 1: Will Link pull the right lever and get to Sanctuary?

Today's bonus episode is brought to you by Hyrule Podcasters, an audio only let's play podcast in which Ben and Patrick play through all (well, almost all) The Legend of Zelda games in (roughly) release order. When you finish listening here, continue...