Final Fantasy VII Ep. 6: Where's Its @#!*ing Head!?

We get our steps in, learn about the Promised Land, meet a good pupper, "rescue" Aerith, and go to jail. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Final Fantasy VII Ep. 5: Shinra's Zoning Ordinance

We visit the Train Graveyard, race to prevent a plate collapse, chat with Aerith's mom, and climb a golden wire. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Final Fantasy VII Ep. 4: Squattin' Thighs and Mako Eyes

We save Aerith from the Turks, visit her home, spy Tifa being carted away by chocobos, and deal with Wall Market. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Final Fantasy VII Ep. 3: Hanging by a Moment
We explore Sector 7, hop aboard a train, hop off a train, set a bomb, meet President Shinra, and take a tumble. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Final Fantasy VII Ep. 2: Welcome to Midgar
We hop off a train, break into a Mako reactor, set a bomb, fight a scorpion, hop aboard a train, and meet Tifa. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
Final Fantasy VII Ep. 1: Ne Me Mori Facias
We introduce ourselves, discuss our gaming history, talk about goals, then Haney shares all he knows about FFVII. Thanks for listening! If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter | WEBSITE:...
First Encounter with Majora's Mask Season 2 Trailer

Join us for Haney's first play through of Final Fantasy VII. We capture his genuine reactions as he falls in love with one of the greatest games ever made. If you want the journey to continue, visit the following: SUPPORT: patreon.com/firstencounter |...